Saturday, August 10, 2013

Maggie and Marysa on Kids and Dogs

A Conversation with Maggie LaMaster (Cambridge) and Marysa Lee (Needham) on meeting dogs and kids

On dogs:

Marysa: There are so many dogs here. Some of them have homes and some don’t but none of them are on leashes. It’s so different from the U.S. where every dog has a collar and a microchip and homeless dogs live in shelters. But Argentinians seem to really like dogs.

Maggie: I just want to take all the homeless dogs home with me and make them feel loved. They are like Lady and the Tramp running around on the streets together, having a party.

On meeting kids:

Marysa: The kids at the school concert in Rosario acted like they just found their favorite celebrity when they met us. I give them an A for enthusiasm. It was really cute when they came up on stage with us to show us how they applaud for a joke. It’s cool and brave that they were willing to come up and dance with all us older kids. They really liked Sara because she is a blond who can speak Spanish. She was lost in a mob after the concert. They followed her around for photos with her. They also really wanted the cups from the cup song.

Marysa exclaims: “Oh, a horse!” She sees a wooden horse cart filled with goods for market pull up along with the rest of the traffic at the red light next to us. Argentina is still punctuated with the occasional horse-drawn cart, a glimpse in time to another era.

Maggie: Primary schools are really enthusiastic. Little kids try to copy us and sing with us. I noticed a little girl mouthing the words to Il Paradisi. It makes me really happy to see that our music makes them happy!

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